"Con không biết rằng Cha thường đối xử với bạn bè bằng cách gửi cho họ Thánh Giá sao?"

Thứ Sáu, 21 tháng 11, 2014

Daily routine

"The work of this house is prayer "- St Teresa

The following is a typical day in one of our Monasteries:

5.30 am Rising signal

6.00 am Prayer time (Meditation) either in solitude or in the chapel

7.00 am Lauds/Morning Prayer (Divine Office prayed together in the chapel: psalms, readings etc spread throughout the day to mark its passing and to consecrate our time to God)

7.45 am Terce (Divine Office)

8.00 am MASS

8.45 am Breakfast

9.00 am Work*

11.30 am Sext (Divine Office)

11.45 am Dinner (in silence with a reading from the Bible and other spiritual books)

12.15 pm Washing up, preparing vegetables etc - in silence

12.45pm Morning recreation - a time to relax and talk together

1.15 pm Free time in the cell (the nuns' private room). 

1.45 pm Spiritual Reading in the cell (or garden in summer)

1.45 pm None (Divine Office) followed by a cup of tea.

3.00 pm Work*

4.30 pm Prayer time (Meditation) either in solitude or in the chapel.

5.30 pm Vespers/Evening Prayer (Divine Office)

6.00 pm Evening meal, washing up

6.45 pm Recreation together

7.45 pm Office of Readings (Divine Office- the longest one of the day with psalms and extended Bible readings and other readings)

The Great Silence follows this - free time for prayer, reading or hobbies etc but all in strict silence. This silence lasts until after Mass the next day.

9.15 pm Compline - the last prayer of the day. Retire to cells

10.30 pm Lights out.

*Work varies from monastery to monastery. It can consist in the manufacture of altar breads for churches, vestment work, printing, craft work, gardening, cooking, office work, sewing and the usual household tasks. Each sister works alone and in silence where possible, only speaking when really necessary for carrying out her work.

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